7 Health Benefits Of Almonds

7 Health Benefits Of Almonds

Rich in Antioxidants & Vitamin E

Almonds are great sources of alkali materials, and it is thought by some that this strengthens the immune system, as well as possibly increases the ability to stave off diseases and various health conditions.

Antioxidants like vitamin E found in almonds affect all major diseases, including cancer and heart diseases. Research has shown that people who ingest high levels of vitamin E are actually 30-40% less likely to develop heart diseases.


 Control Blood Sugar Levels
Almonds help to reduce the reactionary rise in glucose and insulin levels after meals. This modulation offers protection from the dangerous spikes in blood sugar, which diabetics often suffer from following a large meal, or a meal with an unexpectedly high level of sugar in it.

They can help regulate the absorption and processing of glucose, making the entire process much smoother, and subsequently safer.


Regulate Blood Pressure
Research conducted by Houston M from the Hypertension Institute in, Nashville, reports that says the “protein source is an important factor in the BP effect; animal protein being less effective than non-animal or plant protein, especially almond.”
Other nutrients contained in almonds also keep the body balanced in terms of essential needs, which can prevent many deficiencies. Adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals are essential for a healthy lifestyle; if certain elements are neglected, the entire body is affected, resulting in anxiety, stress, and increased blood pressure.

Regulate Cholesterol Level
Regular consumption of almonds may help to increase the high-density lipoproteins (also known as HDL cholesterol levels) and helps to reduce the low-density lipoproteins (referred to as LDL cholesterol levels).

According to research done by Pennsylvania State University, almonds were found to reduce non‐HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and central adiposity, which are all important risk factors for cardiometabolic dysfunction. They maintained HDL cholesterol concentrations, a balance that is vital to healthy cholesterol levels.


May Aid in Weight Loss
The dietary fiber in almonds contributes to the sensation of feeling full, despite eating only a small amount. Studies have revealed that an almond-rich, low-calorie diet is good for obese people to assist in shedding their excess weight.

Studies have also shown that people who regularly consume almonds (at least twice a week) are far more likely to remain at their ideal weight, rather than those who rarely or never consume almonds and suffer from weight fluctuations.

Finally, the fiber contributes to consistent bowel movements, which can help in weight loss and the general health of the body through the elimination of toxins.


Good for Your Eyes

Almonds have a high source of vitamin E that protects your eyes and prevents abnormal changes to your lens. Thus, consuming almonds will protect your eyes, but do not consume this in excess as this can lead to weight gain. Make it a point to consume almonds in moderation.


Good for Your Heart
When almonds are consumed along with some other nuts, it is said that it is good for your heart. Well, according to a study published in 2014, researchers found that samples in the study who consumed almonds has more antioxidants in their bloodstream and this helped in reducing blood pressure and improved the flow of blood to various parts of the body. Also, the research concluded by stating that Mediterranean diets that had a lot of nuts in their foods had more health benefits.


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