
Nutrione Baked Almonds (Unsalted)

From ฿79.00
Taste the natural great flavor of almonds in its purest form. Simply baked with no added salt or additives, the pure nutty crunch of the almond nut shines through. Enjoy it as is or as a nutty addition to your meals!


Lorem Ipsum adalah contoh teks atau dummy dalam industri percetakan dan penataan huruf atau typesetting. Lorem Ipsum telah menjadi standar contoh teks sejak tahun 1500an, saat seorang tukang cetak yang tidak dikenal mengambil sebuah kumpulan teks dan mengacaknya untuk menjadi sebuah buku
Taste the natural great flavor of almonds in its purest form. Simply baked with no added salt or additives, the pure nutty crunch of the almond nut shines through. Enjoy it as is or as a nutty addition to your meals!